Princess Tales
Friday, 8 October 2004
Where Have I Been?
Mood:  mischievious
Now Playing: White Flag - Dido
I just noticed that I haven't posted anything here in a while. Shame on me, what kind of blogger am I anyway?

So, all this time I've been blogging I haven't really mentioned a whole lot of it to my husband. I told him about it, but I haven't really talked about all the people I've been talking to or whatever. I finally got questioned the other day as to what I'm doing on the computer all the time. Up until I started blogging, I hardly ever used the computer at home. I would occasionally check my e-mail or maybe look something up, but otherwise I was not on the interenet for hours at a time like I have been lately. Usually when the kids are asleep or outside. I can't blog and watch the kids, bad things happen like goldfish getting put in hamster cages.

So I filled him in on all that I have been up to, it took a while as you can well imagine. It's not that he minds, he was just curious.

All week I have been trying to repair my house from the aftermath of the party. It took me 3 hours to clean Katie's room. Every single toy or book was out on the floor. I had to keep clearing a path to her bed. It was awful! She better be glad she's only 3 and I didnt' make her clean it up herself. But oh her day is coming. I so cannnot wait for the day that my kids are big enough for them to actually help around the house. That and the day both of my kids are in school as opposed to paying for pre-school, cause holy cow that stuff is expensive! I spend literally half my paycheck on pre-school.

Now I have to tackle the yard and get it ready for fall and winter. What fun!

Everybody have a good weekend!

Posted by princessr9 at 12:42 PM PDT

Saturday, 9 October 2004 - 9:40 PM PDT

Name: Labsnabys

I have my 4-1/2 yr old helping with cleaning already...he gets a big kick out of dusting with the sheepskin-on-a-stick duster (although I am not sure how much actual dust he collects on it). He also likes to do the mirrors and glass shower doors with Windex and a towel. Now, I'm not saying I don't have to go after him and "touch up" his work, but it keeps him busy while I clean and it does help...a little. I am ashamed to admit this, but I have resorted to threatening to vacuum toys up into the central vac in the garage if they are not picked up. Now, all they have to see is that big hose coming out of the closet and they race to put all of the toys away. Or at least up off the floor, which is always an improvement!

Monday, 11 October 2004 - 5:58 PM PDT

Name: Annie
Home Page:

I told my husband that I am a member of an online writer's community. Enough said - he wasn't too interested.

Tuesday, 12 October 2004 - 7:53 AM PDT

Name: princessr9

LOL! I wish I had thought of that.

Friday, 15 October 2004 - 12:08 PM PDT

Name: MR Hester

Princess - 3 is not to young to get her involved in helping keep the house clean or at least keeping her room clean. I started training my oldest two when they were very young and I now have a 19 yr old who lives on his own, knows how to cook, clean, mow the lawn, grocery shop and do his own laundry and a 14 yr old who is in charge of fixing one meal a week (including the planning and grocery list for said meal), doing the dishes, mowing and doing his own laundry. I wanted to ensure that my boys were able to do their share of the housework if they ever choose to get married (since it takes two working to make it these days).

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