Princess Tales
Tuesday, 9 November 2004
Office Update
Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: I Wanna Be Sedated
OMG! I just don't get it. I spoke with my supervisor this morning, she called from Hawaii to ask how Ethel is doing. I had to tell her, Ethel isn't doing so good. She just doesn't seem to be grasping the concept unfortunately. I've told her things several times and she'll turn right around and do the opposite. It's like working with one of my children!

Forgive me for continually complaining about this, but this is the main issue going on in my life right now. After a few waves in my marriage things seem to have settled down and are on the up swing and hopefully will stay that way. It's exhausting I'm telling you. I think if all us wives, mothers, and working women wrote down everything we do every day, we'd give ourselves heart attacks. Not that stay at home moms have it any easier, I stayed home with my little ones for a year and a half and that was harder than going to work every day. With all due respect to the women that do stay home, I just couldn't do it. I think that has to be one of the hardest jobs and stay at home moms, don't stay at home. I was never home when I wasn't working! All in all I think my children have benefitted from being in daycare and now pre-school, their vocabulary is amazing and both of them are ahead of where they should be for their ages. Of course that could just be good genetics. I'm so modest, I know.

Currently we are debating traveling north to visit the fam for Thanksgiving. Hubby wants to go, he just doesn't want to have to pay for the gas to drive there. We drive a suburban and gas prices being what they are right now in Cali, the expense is truly frightening. We shall see, I would like to see everybody, but traveling like that with small children is draining. Thank goodness for in car DVD players, I love mine and wouldn't want to be without it. Blessed silence is so wonderful while driving. Gives me a chance to actually have a conversation with my hubby about something other than work, the kids, and bills.

Posted by princessr9 at 10:11 AM PST
Friday, 5 November 2004
You've got some splainin' to do!
Mood:  incredulous
Now Playing: Babalou!
I want to tear my hair out. I'm usually a very patient person. I try to go at a slower pace when training a new employee, cause I've been doing this job for almost 6 years and naturally I'm a lot faster than someone who has never done this before. But when you tell someone something and 5 seconds later you ask them about what you just told them and they give you the deer in the headlights look, it makes me want to bang my head against the wall, repeatedly.

Ethel is a very nice person, aside from the fact that when I'm typing if I make an error, even though I'm backspacing to correct it, she feels the need to correct me. She's almost 70 years old, which makes me feel very bad that I'm bitching about somebody that's old enough to be my grandmother.

But this is driving me nuts. In order for me to do my job, I need Ethel to be doing her job. Ethel needs somebody standing behind her constantly telling her how to do her job. Ethel does not at all look like she's fast approaching 70, nor does she act like it. She doesn't appear to be slow by any means. But I show her how to do something and five minutes later she's asking me how to do it again. Now, please keep in mind that Ethel has been in training for a week already, so something should have sunk in by now. It hasn't and my supervisor (and back up) is going to Hawaii next week for a week and a half. I think I'm going to start drinking now and by next week I won't care if I have to sit in Ethel's lap and hold her hand and do all her work for her.

Pass the tequila!

Posted by princessr9 at 2:33 PM PST
Tuesday, 26 October 2004
Mood:  suave
Now Playing: Nelly
So I submitted my entry to RDD for Pardon the Interuption. It was pretty short. I ended up not having as much time as I wanted and had to sort of type on the fly. I just reread Bubba's entry and went for it. I think it came out pretty good, Bubba made it really easy to continue. I tried to keep it going in the same sort of direction so the last few people will be able to wrap it up easily.

I haven't written fiction in so long it was easier than I remember. I hope everybody enjoys it.

Posted by princessr9 at 1:15 PM PDT
Tuesday, 19 October 2004
One of My Biggest Pet Peeves
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: Good Charlotte
I hate it, absolutely hate it when people are late and they act like it's no big deal. It just drives me up the wall, like I don't have things that I could be doing other than waiting around for their slow movin' ass to show up?

Ok, who am I kidding? I'm talking about one of my co-workers. He was supposed to be here at 4pm and it is now 4:30pm and he just breezed through the door like he hadn't a care in the world. No "sorry I'm late, I'm a total ass" or nothing! I don't have to pick up my kids until 5:30pm, but that doesn't mean I actually want to wait that long.

I myself can't stand being late and am usually annoyingly early. So naturally I expect everybody else to at the very least be on time or at least call and say that they're running a little late or whatever. Is it just me, or is asking for some common courtesy a little too much?


Posted by princessr9 at 4:32 PM PDT
Tuesday, 12 October 2004
At Long Last!!!
Mood:  surprised
Now Playing: Whistle for me, won't ya'?
My co-worker that is perpetually late, takes days off for the strangest of reasons (she needed to look for her son's birth certificate), and never does a darn thing unless told to, gave her notice yesterday. This will be her last week here.

She is a very nice lady and really a great and fun person to be around. But she's not getting paid for that. Wonder of wonders, she's getting paid to work. For some unknown reason, my boss just did not want to fire her.

So, a part of me is glad to she her go, cause now some actual work will be getting done and whomever we hire might actually be able to lighten my load just a little bit. But another part of me is bummed that she won't be here any more. She is very funny and very nice to talk to, and has been a really understanding person.

I guess I'll make her a cake and wish her good luck.

Posted by princessr9 at 8:00 AM PDT
Friday, 8 October 2004
Where Have I Been?
Mood:  mischievious
Now Playing: White Flag - Dido
I just noticed that I haven't posted anything here in a while. Shame on me, what kind of blogger am I anyway?

So, all this time I've been blogging I haven't really mentioned a whole lot of it to my husband. I told him about it, but I haven't really talked about all the people I've been talking to or whatever. I finally got questioned the other day as to what I'm doing on the computer all the time. Up until I started blogging, I hardly ever used the computer at home. I would occasionally check my e-mail or maybe look something up, but otherwise I was not on the interenet for hours at a time like I have been lately. Usually when the kids are asleep or outside. I can't blog and watch the kids, bad things happen like goldfish getting put in hamster cages.

So I filled him in on all that I have been up to, it took a while as you can well imagine. It's not that he minds, he was just curious.

All week I have been trying to repair my house from the aftermath of the party. It took me 3 hours to clean Katie's room. Every single toy or book was out on the floor. I had to keep clearing a path to her bed. It was awful! She better be glad she's only 3 and I didnt' make her clean it up herself. But oh her day is coming. I so cannnot wait for the day that my kids are big enough for them to actually help around the house. That and the day both of my kids are in school as opposed to paying for pre-school, cause holy cow that stuff is expensive! I spend literally half my paycheck on pre-school.

Now I have to tackle the yard and get it ready for fall and winter. What fun!

Everybody have a good weekend!

Posted by princessr9 at 12:42 PM PDT
Monday, 4 October 2004
I love parties, really I do.
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: When Doves Cry
My goodness, what a weekend! I ended up rushing around Saturday morning buying decorations, sodas, and more importantly, the ice cream! I barely finished decorating the cake in time for the party. I took pictures and will try to figure out how to post them here so everyone can see the pretty princess cake I made for Katie.

The party went pretty good, Katie got lots of good presents. She was very excited to open her presents. She was asking the whole time and trying to peek into the bags. My parents got her a Disney Princess tea set, so now she carries that around asking everyone to have a tea party with her. It's so darn cute.

I'm so exhausted. So much work for a 3 hour party and it was pretty simple. I could't imagine doing more. All the mess and dishes and since we have hardwood floors a lot of dirt gets tracked in. But all in all, we had a nice visit with my parents and the kids had a blast. They really miss their Grandma and Papa.

I hope everyone had a good weekend.

Posted by princessr9 at 4:32 PM PDT
Friday, 1 October 2004
Thank you
Mood:  happy
Thank you everybody for your birthday wishes for Katie. Have a good weekend!

Posted by princessr9 at 4:22 PM PDT
My Katie
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Daughters by John Mayer
In honor of my baby's birthday, here is the story of my Katie.

Katie was a surprise. She really wasn't planned. I had been in Fresno for three months staying with my mom because her doctor had found a growth on her cervix and was going through all sorts of testing. My husband came to visit and of course since we hadn't seen each other in three months, well you get the picture. I hadn't been using my birth control pills because, well I didn't expect to need them. Silly me, I know.

Three weeks later, my mom was given a clean bill of health and her issues had been resolved. So home to San Diego I went. A week later we were having dinner at my hubby's uncle's house and his aunt said, "you're pregnant aren't you?" I said that I didn't think so, as it hadn't been enough time to even know if I was. One of hubby's cousins worked at the local hospital and for some reason had thought of me and brought a pregnancy test home. Now that I think about it, everybody seemed to know something that I didn't.

The next morning I took the test and at first no second line appeared. So I left it and about 5 minutes later realized that I hadn't thrown it in the trash. So I went back to get it and lo' and behold! A second line had appeared. Katie was on her way.

It was a pretty easy pregnancy with the exception that Katie had decided she would like to come out feet first. If you've ever carried a baby that decides to be breech and stay that way, the pressure is crazy. When the baby kicks, oi! It's really something else. We scheduled a c-section and arranged for my mom to come stay with our son while I was in the hospital.

The birth was extremely easy, as one might imagine it would be. The second baby is definetly easier, even if it is a c-section. You just know what to expect and it's not quite so scary. Katie was definetly not happy to be out in the world just yet. Even though she arrived weighing 8lbs. 5 ozs., she was so very tiny. She still is very petite. As they took me back to my room I could hear her crying from the nursery. I had gestational diabetes, so they had to take her and check that her blood sugar was ok and give her a complete check up. My room was on the opposite side of the hospital from the nursery and I could hear her crying all the way on the other side. Needless to say when they brought her in, she stopped crying and was really ready to eat.

I can't believe it's been three years already. I can still remember seeing her little face for the very first time. She's such a feisty little girl. She was born with attitude to spare, that's for sure. I tell people that she's a little old lady that's been reincarnated. She seems that way because that's really the impression you get. That she's been here before. She has been putting herself to bed since she was about 11 months old. She loves to go shoe and purse shopping. She is the sweetest thing and so very very beautiful.

Happy birthday baby, I'm so very glad you're here with us.

Posted by princessr9 at 3:20 PM PDT
Wednesday, 29 September 2004
Just Checkin' In
Mood:  rushed
Now Playing: Strawberry Shortcake
Ok, real quick 'cause I just had to go rescue a goldfish out of the hamster cage. Don't you just love kids. My daughter was convinced they would like to play together.

I had to come home early today because my son is sick. Ear infections in both ears. Oye! Here we go on another round of antibiotics. If it's not one kid,it's the other.

Still busy getting ready for the party. Lots of prep work for the big princess cake. I'll try to post a pic of how it comes out. I have cupcakes to make tonight, so I can frost them tomorrow night. I also have to make about 200 flowers for the cakes for the actual party. What did I get myself into? And now my husband just called to say he invited his aunt and uncle over for dinner and I didn't really have anything planned! Lovely, just lovely.

Thanks for the birthday wishes Nicole, I'll pass them on.

Posted by princessr9 at 6:14 PM PDT

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